This is the last week of the semester, not including the final exam period! I have so many things to do this week! I have an anatomy test on Thursday, I have a group presentation also on Thursday, I have a 2200 word essay on Australian politics due Friday, and a 500 word tutorial report also due on Friday. I finished an online quiz for a class today and it was pretty easy. I still need to study for the test, research the topic for the group presentation, and read and take notes on the sources for the essay. So much to do, but it's the last week! I'm excited! I have one final for anatomy and it is on June 22. I will need to study a lot for that exam!
Not a whole lot happened this passed week. I procrastinated, but mainly because I was extremely tired again and couldn't seem to build the energy up to do anything except go to class, but paying attention was really difficult, whether in lecture, tutorial, or even in the videos I watched while procrastinating. /: Oh well... I'll be doing a lot of work this week, haha!
Monday, I spoke with the apartment manager of the Village and spoke about the problems I've been having with my roommates and how I've never really felt welcomed by them. He said he was going to try and set up a room change for me and I won't have to pay any fees, which makes me happy.
Tuesday, I got some free pancakes from the Village and their pancake event. They were delicious and the first I've had in a while.
Saturday, I was going to have dinner with friends after their karaoke event, but they didn't update the Facebook event page to where and by the time they asked if I still wanted to go, it was close to an hour after the karaoke event had ended and I had just made my dinner when they asked. So I told them to enjoy and I will be there for the next dinner event.
Sunday, today, not much happened, but I went through Shinsa, or grading, in Taido, the martial arts I started in Australia. It was a little nerve-wracking, but it was fun and I was able to encourage so many others who were also trying to go up a belt. I, and so many others, were able to go up a belt and I am now a purple, 6 kyu, belt! I may be able to do the next Shinsa in ~6 months, if I am still in Australia and go up to purple, 5 kyu, but I will have to give the belt back before I leave for America as Arizona does not have a Taido group, unfortunately. Afterwards, we went to McDonald's and it was such a new experience! They had soo many screens where you could order from and then you would go to the pick up corner (if take out) or they would deliver to you (supposedly; if you chose the dine in option). Everything was so high-tech! I got medium fries and an Oreo McFlurry. My body didn't like the McFlurry, but it's okay- I don't have it that often (that was my first one in ~5 years).
Well, that's all for now. Until next time!
^^: The pancakes I had!
^^: Me in the dress that I got last weekend when I found a mall and went searching for a warm jacket (which I did find).
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