Sunday, April 23, 2017

Break Over, Week 8 Starts!

Hey all!

Not much has happened the passed few days. I read a little bit and I researched a bit, but I treated this break more as an actual break instead of the reading time I wanted it to be. Oh well, I'll manage some how. I started doing Pilates ( is the website I use) again with a Beginner's Calendar (which I still haven't got passed, but that's okay). I did the first day yesterday morning (Saturday) and got up this morning with the intent to do more today, but I found that my hip was injured somehow and I could only lift it so high before it started hurting and some motions in walking hurt as did standing straight. So that wasn't fun, but again, I'll manage somehow. I'm thinking of going to a chiropractor as I have been known to have my hips needing to be adjusted (as well as my mid and low back). I went to today's Taido session to watch the proceedings and also to get some (cheap) merchandise since the uniform is quite a bit of money and I am only here (hopefully) until November and Taido doesn't exist in my state.

Class starts again tomorrow, with a day off the next day (Tuesday). I find this a bit confusing, but I'm fine with it. I'm pretty excited as that means it's that much closer to the end of the semester, but it also makes me more anxious as I have a 2000 word essay due Week 9, another 2000 word essay due Week 10, a team assignment (website) due sometime in between, and then a 2200 word essay due Week 13, the last week. I know I will be fine, but it's all coming up so fast and I fear I won't have enough time to do reading for the essays as well as for my classes. I'm sure it'll be okay, but it just doesn't feel like it (right now)!

Anyway, that's all I really have for now. Until next time!

  ^^ Left: an indoor temperature thermometer that also measures humidity. It's always pretty humid in my room and 72/73F is the constant temperature in my room (even though it doesn't feel like it sometimes). Right: I was walking someplace and came across this in a construction-ish zone. This is right above a walkway between the two sides of construction. There's nothing in the middle to support it and every time I need to go across this path, I run because, for some reason, I don't really feel same walking under that.

^^ the merchandise I bought from Taido! A bag and a keychain! I'm pretty happy with these even though I won't/can't be getting the uniform.

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